Since moving to The Netherlands, the Running Alien started using a bicycle as primary means of transportation within the city… Going to work? Ride the bike to the bus station first… Go shopping? Take the bike… Going out for a movie? You’ve guessed it: use the bike to get to the cinema. After 7 years in Cyprus who would have thought I would even ride a bike at -5 degrees in the winter? But, I did! Somehow, riding a bike in The Netherlands feels natural.
Luckily, most drivers in The Netherlands are very much aware of the cyclists as all of them are most probably cyclists as well. However, it happened once or twice to have to stop although I had priority as some “cool” drivers were too busy checking phones or changing the music in the car.
Very recently, I’ve found this video online presenting LifePaint – an interesting reflective safety spray created by Volvo. The idea is simple, but effective: spray it on your bike and your clothes and they will be visible in the night for about 1 week.
I find it a pretty cool idea! What do you think? Would you use such a spray?