Running Alien

It’s alive!

Yup! is alive and this is it’s first post!

First of all welcome to my new blog! I’ll skip the introducing part as you can read more about me on the about page and I’ll just say my name is Andrei and I’ll be your host.

As you may expect from the blog’s name, this will be a blog about running, races, gadgets and services I’m using, products that I’ve tried and think I worth sharing with others and The Netherlands from a runner’s and traveler’s point of view. Don’t expect aliens (besides me) or food (yeah… there are plenty of blogs out there related to healthy eating and all that stuff – not that there would be anything wrong with that, but I’m not into taking pics of my food, I prefer to eat it)… You may see here and there a couple of beers…

I’ll be also posting running related videos (I have a few from the races I’ve participated in, so check them out) and pictures from various events…

I’ll be blogging in English (although I’m currently trying to learn Dutch as well) and I encourage you participate in the discussions no matter where you come from.

I’m a Garmin user and use Strava to interact with other runners. If you see me at a run, don’t be shy, say hi 🙂