This year so far was a year of preparation and focus on the 2 weak links: swimming and cycling. As a result, my first race of the season was on the 21st of May thanks to the Leiden Marathon. As…

This year so far was a year of preparation and focus on the 2 weak links: swimming and cycling. As a result, my first race of the season was on the 21st of May thanks to the Leiden Marathon. As…
Despite promising myself that 2016 will be a more active year blogging wise, here we are almost half a year into 2016 and this is the first post of the year. In spite of the lack of any new posts,…
It’s the end of another year… it’s time to look back on the achievements of the year about to end and set some new goals for the upcoming year. Looking back at 2015, I can say it was a good year!…
Once again, due to work and additional side projects, the Running Alien is a bit late with his report of the Halve van Haarlem 2015. Anyway… I guess it’s better late than never! So without further delay let’s get to…
Sunday morning run though Orangerie Elswout and the Middenduin… misty, but beautiful! The pictures will do a better job describing the route 🙂